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Monday, February 20, 2006

Bryant Gumbel - Asshole

"Finally, tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don’t care about them and won’t watch them … Because they’re so trying … Like, try not to be incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the ancient Greeks who never heard of skating or skiing. So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention . Try not to point out that something’s not really a sport if a pseudo-athlete waits in what’s called a kiss-and-cry area, while some panel of subjective judges decides who won … So if only to hasten the arrival of the day they’re done, when we can move on to March Madness — for God’s sake, let the games begin.”

Unfuckingbelievable. While Gumbel has every right to voice his opinion, I have just as much right to voice mine. Gumbel, you're an asshole. Not just an asshole, mind you, but an unmittigated, bigoted, racist asshole.

Imagine, if you will, a prominent TV sports commentator saying he doesn't like and won't watch March Madness because of the paucity of white athletes. The public outcry would be stupendous. Imagine a white baseball executive saying "(Blacks) may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager, or perhaps a general manager."? Or how about a football analyst saying that blacks were physically superior to whites because of selective breeding during Slavery? Or even a commentator saying Donovan McNabb was getting a pass from the press for poor performance because he was black?

But let's see what the shoe looks like on the other foot. How about a baseball manager saying blacks and Latinos handle heat better than white players? Didn't see a firing or resignation over that. How is that any different from what Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder said?

It's not just limited to sports, either. I'm sure you all can name chapter and verse about Trent Lott's comments about Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday. Yet where was the media outrage over Harry Bellafonte calling Condi Rice and Colin Powell "house niggers"?

Racism and bigotry are still alive and well in America. Unfortunately, the most flagrant practioners also want to be the victims.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

To Hell With Hollywood

What the Hell has happened to creativity in Hollywood? The majority of movies being made and released today are either sequels or remakes. Take, for instance, Steve Martin's newest effort The Pink Panther. I've seen the original with Peter Sellers numerous times and laughed myself silly each thime. It's truly a classic. Just seeing the trailers of the Steve Martin version makes me think this remake is just bad. Let me rephrase; not bad but awful. A stupendous stinkeroo. It's like The Jerk with a fake French accent.

And who the Hell told Adam Sandler and Rob Schnieder they were funny? Happy Gilmore? Duece Bigalow? The Water Boy? The Aanimal? These were some God-awful movies. Not. Funny. At. All.

Hollywood wonders why their box office numbers are dropping? Shitty movies are the Number One answer. Why pay $8.00 to see a shitty movie when you can wait a few months and see it for a lot less on DVD or HBO? That's assuming you even want to see it in the first place.

Then you have movies like Fudgepack Mountain or Good Night and Good Luck which try to tell a story with the director's particular political view that is in no way faithful to historical accuracy. The king of this crap is Oliver Stone. His JFK was a moonbat's Nirvana what with all the conspiracy crap he was insinuating.

Face it. There's not a single movie coming out of Hollywood today that's worth the price of a ticket to see when it hits the theater. Unfortunately, the real losers in all of this are the theater owners. Their best bet would be to start producing their own movies that people want to see.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Fun with Dick Cheney

By now everyone has heard about this. All the Lamestream Media wants to know is "Who did he shoot, when did he shoot him, and how come you never told US about it?" Ferchrissakes! Journalists are so lazy they expect the White House to do their jobs FOR them! All Scott McClellan had to say was, "Yeah, it happened. It was reported to the cops who investigated and it was ruled an accident. End of story."

What I say is, "Even though Mr. Whittington was wounded, hunting with Dick Cheney is still safer than riding in a car with Ted Kennedy."

Let's kick this pig!

As a long time blog reader I've decided to try one of these for myself. So many times there have been items in the news or my life that I've wanted to make some smart assed comment about with no appropriate place to do so. This blog is my new forum for venting my spleen and being a general asshole. Stephen Den Beste (may his blog rest in peace) once said that 90% of all blogs are crap. Well, let's make that 90.000001%

Comments are welcome but keep them pithy if you wish to opine.